Monday, August 21, 2006

Cherry Drops

What happened to Cherry Drops? They used to be encased in kitch, pale pink cherry flower pattern perfectly circular tubes. The sweets themselves were rock hard, cloudy baby pink, wrapped in wax paper and impressed all the way round the edges with a pretty pie-crust pattern.

Now, they're ovoid, clear and fractured with ugly fissures, devoid of patterns wrapped in plastic and sold in bog-standard black and (shudder) hot pink paper with Bertie Bassett mugging away.

They seem to taste the same, but where, I ask you, is the craftsmanship? Half my enjoyment in these little nuggets of heaven has been destroyed.

Have any other beloved sweeties from childhood been desecrated in this way? Answers on a postcard, please.


Blogger meg said...

I'd forgotten about those! You used to eat thousands of them!

2:03 PM  
Blogger Shizue said...

I know, I was obsessed. I feel really cheated now. Its even worse than the whole Marathon/Snickers debacle.

3:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was addicted to Lemon Sherbets. Or Sherbet Lemons. We always used to have them on car journeys to my grandparents in Nottingham, which looking back was probably a bad idea cos it probably made me and my brother completely sugar-high and unbearable. But they taste great.

12:50 PM  
Blogger Shizue said...

They don't fill them up with enough sherbet anymore. Its mainly just an empty cavity with a paltry nod towards sherbet in the form of a measly smattering of white dust. Cocaine dealers are more generous with their stuff than Sherbet Lemon manufacturers nowadays.

12:08 PM  
Blogger Katrina said...

I boycotted Nestle products a while back but even I couldn't help but feel betrayed when I encountered the horro fo the modern plastic packaging of Kit Kats!! Now I'm sure they survive a lot better during trasportation as a result but gone is the fun of sliding one's thumbnail down the flimsy silver foil or hearing the sound of it tear as you break a wafer stick in half!

9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They aren't as sharp as they used to be. I bought a packet today, and no way will they remove the roof of my mouth like they used to. I am devastated!!!

10:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They aren't as sharp as they used to be. I bought a packet today, and no way will they remove the roof of my mouth like they used to. I am devastated!!!

10:08 PM  

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